Wednesday 7 January 2015

Hello 2015!

I do love a bright new shiny year.... a great opportunity to take stock, get clear and begin again with a renewed sense of energy and exuberance, along with fresh hopes and possibilities. 
Its going to be good one....I can feel it!
Wait...didn't I say that last year and the year before?? ;)

I finished 2014 with a bustle followed by a readiness to stop, be still, enjoy family times PLUS try out some new crafty endeavours. (I signed up for a Winter Writing Course hosted by Do What You Love, and created a Weaving board on Pinterest to fuel the juices for the loom & wool I'd put on my list for the Man in Red. In the end I did NEITHER! It seemed I needed a break from creativity was a real break from "the mould"and I must say I felt so refreshed as a result.

This has spurred on a little theme that I'd like to take into 2015..... the year I do things a little differently and "break the mould"! (it may just be me but the image of me cracking through some mouldy green cheese is conjured immediately..erm definitely not on the plan!)
I'm allowing the very poorly balanced "work/personal hobbies/down time" mould to break completely =  MORE time spent outside, and maybe even some running (ohlala!).

                    I'll let you know how I go as the year progresses!
I'm also looking forward to developing the embroidery kit side of my business more and spending some time designing a new range. I really do love these kits of mine and it seems you do too! Yipee!!

There are a few other things in the pipeline too, which will unfold as this year creeps along.

I hope you are feeling equally as excited about all the things that lie ahead for you, and have decided on a few small changes that can bring a little more love and support :) Wishing the Happiest of New Years to you!


  1. Happy New running year :) Good luck with that - want to see photographic evidence please :) xxx

    1. haha! I know I can barely believe that I am even considering it! I need to see the photos too ;) Happy New Year to you tooooo x
